Winn Park Revitalization

B8008 Wiin Park Revitalization, 2018


City of Sacramento


Sacramento, California


2019 (Conceptual)


3,600 Square Feet


$1 Million (Phase 1)

An important node of the City of Sacramento’s urban grid, Albert Winn Park has remained underutilized for decades. At the center of the park, built in 1937 under the WPA, is a two-story former Fire Alarm Station.

With a subtle Art Deco style and a commanding view of the park, the rehabilitation and activation of the space was a priority for the community. D+B teamed with Atlas Lab to develop a complete vision for the park’s future. After completing a visioning plan and City planning and entitlements review, the scope of the project’s first phase would include the rehabilitation and renovation of the existing structure and related site improvements. Updating the building’s mechanical, electrical, plumbing components, hazardous materials abatement, ensuring structural stability, and prepping the interior for the restaurant. The second phase would include the park itself: rehabilitating and replacing the playground structure and a full landscaping overhaul with addition of special gardens; and tenant improvement for the restaurant itself.

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