San Joaquin County & VA Palo Alto Community Outpatient Clinic

San Joaquin Veterans Administration Dialysis Outpatient Clinic, 2006


Veterans Administration Palo Alto Health Care System; San Joaquin County Healthcare Services


Stockton, California




21,600 Square Feet


$8.9 Million

This facility serves more than 44,000 veterans in San Joaquin, Amador and Calaveras counties, as well as San Joaquin General Hospital dialysis patients. It is a joint project between the San Joaquin County Health Care Services and VA Palo Alto Health Care System.

Of the 21,600-square-foot San Joaquin clinic, 10,000 square feet is operated by the VA Palo Alto Health Care System (VA PAHCS). The VA PAHCS portion of the facility accommodates eight medical offices, 16 examination rooms, three conference rooms, waiting area, restrooms, a phlebotomy station, and 80 parking spaces. This project serves a vital health need in San Joaquin County and is next door to Health Plan of San Joaquin Headquarters.



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