San Joaquin County Agricultural Center & Office of Emergency Services
Stockton, California
County of San Joaquin
48,000 sq ft Office <br> 96,000 sq ft Total
$25 million
CivicSan Joaquin County, in the heart of California’s Central Valley, has a rich agricultural heritage. This project provides a consolidated center for a range of agricultural services to the farming community. Office are provided for the County Agriculture Commissioner and the U.C Cooperative Extension, as well as the County’s Office of Emergency Services. A large multi-purpose auditorium, classrooms and conference spaces provide ample facilities for community workshops and related agricultural events.
The complex includes warehouse, shop space and enclosed corporation yard for Ag equipment. A new Farm Bureau building will house USDA, California Food & Agriculture, Ag Credit and other related entities. The site includes demonstration gardens designed by the UC Cooperative extension. The building utilizes simple and economic structural technologies as well, recalling iconic agricultural forms and elements such as barn, silo and shed. The flexible interior spaces can be configured for a wide variety of functions. This efficient, durable center will serve the agricultural community well for many years to come.